

I'm sorry, okay?

Every time I want to write something, all that comes into my head is "I'm sorry". I'm not even sure what I'm sorry about.
I'm sorry that I'm bad at beginnings, I'm pretty bad at middles and ends too, so I'm sorry about that as well. I'm also bad at distinguishing a beginning, middle, or end. I'm sorry.
Hello, how are you? I'm sorry. Meeting new people isn't easy for me. And I'm sorry if we could have been best friends, or fallen in love, or you could've made me a better person.
Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Maybe if I wasn't myself too much, maybe if I wasn't so trapped in myself, and maybe if I wasn't choking on my silence,  we could've been more.
Maybe then the beginnings wouldn't be so difficult.
I'm sorry I ruined everything.

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